Health Insurance and Medicare News and Updates

A Surprise Health Insurance Tax May Be Coming Your Way In 2020

A Surprise Health Insurance Tax May Be Coming Your Way In 2020

President Trump may have killed the individual mandate, but you may be shocked when you receive your surprise health insurance tax this year.
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Cheap Health Insurance in Pennsylvania

Cheap Health Insurance in Pennsylvania

Find cheap health insurance in Pennsylvania
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Does Insurance Cover STD Testing? Payment & Coverage Options

Does Insurance Cover STD Testing? Payment & Coverage Options

It’s always recommended you get tested if you have an active sex life, the question is how do you pay for it? Well, health insurance is one way, but if you’re not covered, here are some other options to consider.
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Negotiating Medical Bills: 5 Foolproof Ways To Cut Costs Instantly

Negotiating Medical Bills: 5 Foolproof Ways To Cut Costs Instantly

Did you know it was possible to lower your medical bills through negotiating? These 5 tips and tricks are shedding light on one of the healthcare industry’s best-kept secrets to help keep more money in your pockets.
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Is No Deductible Health Insurance Right For You?

Is No Deductible Health Insurance Right For You?

If you've ever wondered whether or not health insurance plans with no deductibles exist, you're in luck, they do! Learn about these highly sought after policies, see how they work, and find out whether or not they are right for you.
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What Is A PPO Health Insurance Plan? Understanding The Ins & Outs

What Is A PPO Health Insurance Plan? Understanding The Ins & Outs

What's a PPO health insurance plan, and is it better than an HMO? We've got the scoop on everything you need know about PPO plans.
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Health Insurance Referrals & Specialists: How Your Plan Works

Health Insurance Referrals & Specialists: How Your Plan Works

When your primary care physician can’t provide you with the care you need, it’s time to turn to a specialist. Learn about health insurance referrals and how they work with your coverage.
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Secondary Health Insurance Plans - Your Supplemental Coverage

Secondary Health Insurance Plans - Your Supplemental Coverage

Secondary health insurance plans are on the rise as more Americans are having trouble finding primary health insurance plans that fit all their needs. See how extra coverage can end up saving you money in the long run.
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Women’s Health Insurance - Coverage Options For All Your Needs

Women’s Health Insurance - Coverage Options For All Your Needs

Find out why so many are women are switching to health insurance plans with benefits specifically designed for their needs. Learn how they differ from traditional coverage, and how to enroll.
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Do Employers Still Have To Offer Health Insurance Under Trump?

Do Employers Still Have To Offer Health Insurance Under Trump?

Health insurance has been on a bit of a roller coaster of this past decade, which is leaving many confused about their group coverage. Learn if Trump repealed the ACA mandate requiring employer-sponsored coverage.
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