Women’s Health Insurance - Coverage Options For All Your Needs

Find out why so many are women are switching to health insurance plans with benefits specifically designed for their needs. Learn how they differ from traditional coverage, and how to enroll.
Women’s Health Insurance - Coverage Options For All Your Needs

Finding the right healthcare plan is crucial first step towards a healthier life for so many Americans. The problem is, not everyone has the same medical needs, which can cause some confusion and stress during your search for the perfect policy. That’s where women’s health insurance comes into play.

We understand that men and women have different needs when it comes to their healthcare and benefits, and health insurance companies are aware of that. For that reason, insurance providers have created different levels of health insurance designed for everyone, making it easier than ever to find a health insurance plan for women. These plans include benefits that cover things like prenatal care, contraceptive services and procedures, and more.

What Is Women’s Health insurance?

Women’s health insurance is medical coverage with benefits specifically designed to provide care and services that may be excluded by other plans and policies. The importance of health insurance for women  cannot be stressed enough, as recent reports show that between the private and public sector, over 10% of women are uninsured, which means they don’t have access to the benefits they need.

We can’t overlook the huge role the Affordable Care Act (ACA) played in helping bring the uninsured rate for women down over the last few years, and provide adequate benefits that help provide access to the vital care women need. Under the ACA, health insurance companies were no longer allowed to avert costly coverage women so desperately need, which is crucial. Today, most policies offered by insurers offer uniform benefits, but there are still some differences you should be aware of.

How It Differs From Traditional Coverage?

The primary difference between women’s health insurance and traditional coverage is the benefits offered. As we touched on above, not everyone has the same healthcare needs, and historically, health insurance favored men and children over women. Today, that is no longer the case, as more and more insurers are offering plans to fit the needs of everyone, including women. Continue below to learn more about some of the benefits you’ll have access to by enrolling in a women’s health insurance plan.

What’s Covered Under Women’s Healthcare?

According to reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, women are 33% more likely to seek out a medical professional than their counterparts. Without the right plan, this could end up costing a fortune in medical bills. However, with a health insurance plan designed for women, you’d have access to the following benefits:

  • Tests for pregnancy
  • Lower abdomen examinations
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Biopsies for breast or cervical cancer
  • Breast cancer examinations in the clinic
  • HIV screening
  • Screening and treatment for cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure
  • Long-acting reversible contraceptives
  • Oral contraceptive pills
  • Permanent sterilization

Other contraceptive methods can also be provided as per the patient’s request. Your policy may offer even more coverage, so make sure to check with your agent or provider to get a better understanding of your benefits.

What Might Not Be Covered?

Even policies geared towards women may have some gaps in coverage that can leave you footing most of the bill. That being said, it’s not uncommon for both men’s and women’s medical plans to limit benefits in the name of saving money. Example of medical services that may not be covered include:

  • Infertility treatments
  • Voluntary cosmetic procedures
  • Contraceptive methods and counselling
  • Secondary well-woman visits

A Look At Healthy Texas Women

Healthy Texas Women is a program concerned with the healthcare system in position for the women of Texas that require medical attention or family planning services. Health Texas women offer insurance packages to these women who can then look forward to planning their future and saving up for their medical needs. The program especially helps low-income women and makes them eligible for services like STD checks, screening of postpartum depression, and more. The program also extends eligible to young women 15 years old and older, as long as their parent or legal guardian signs off.

In contrast to women’s physical health, mental health issues in women are also more than men. Women health insurance coverage also cover for psychological issues that need attention. Several medications and procedures call for efficient treatment of mental health issues of women. There are many health coverages for women to help them with psychological issues of maternity that most women go through their pregnancy. These mental health issues can be anything like post-delivery depression.

Other States Following Suit

Since Texas has successfully taken a stand for women’s healthcare, more states are following behind and trying to reach the Texas healthcare standard. This program has saved a huge amount of money in terms of medical aid, which is why more states should follow the example and cut down on their expenses keeping their people safe and providing for them.

Due to these healthcare insurance programs, the state was saved from being responsible for 9,500 baby deliveries, and that saved an estimate of 103 million dollars. Now, reports show that the states are waiting for government funding, and once that is approved for the next five years, more healthcare programs targeting women will be introduced. These strategies have made the other states bold in their decision to follow pursuit.

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