Does a pre existing condition raise your healthcare costs?

Are your pre existing conditions causing you to pay more for healthcare?
Does a pre existing condition raise your healthcare costs?

With the ever-updating news from Washington about the survival of the Affordable Care Act, it’s unsure about the rising premium costs if Congress decides on a new healthcare bill. Currently, each HMO must offer their services to any individual, no matter their weight, health history, or gender. This also includes people who suffer from pre existing and chronic conditions. However, non-qualifying plans such as limited benefits and short-term medical insurance can disqualify those with pre existing conditions. The big questions still remain, as a person who suffers from a pre existing condition, will you be paying extra for basic health insurance coverage than someone who doesn’t?

Do You Have a Pre Existing Condition?

It’s not uncommon for an HMO to lack coverage for pre existing conditions. Prior to the ACA being established, every healthcare insurance provider followed preset rules on coverage for pre existing conditions, with the exclusion of five states. Pre existing conditions included any condition that a person had received healthcare for in the three to six months prior to enrolling in insurance.

This included everything from pregnancy to Parkinson's disease. In other words, one insurance provider could accept an individual with high blood pressure, whereas another provider would not. However, when considering a new health insurance plan, it’s important to keep this in mind in case ACA is ever repealed or replaced.

The Current Rule on Pre Existing Conditions

When President Obama passed the Affordable Care Act, the act included a provision about pre existing conditions. As mentioned before, thanks to this act, insurance companies can no longer deny coverage or charge more to a person who has a pre existing condition like pregnancy or hypertension. This, however, could all change very soon thanks to the new Trumpcare act that Congress is trying to pass.

The Future for Pre Existing Conditions

According to healthcare experts, most insurers consider pre existing conditions health conditions that have been treated for at least three months within the start of health insurance coverage. Although this rule was revoked for the Affordable Care Act, many health insurance providers are still living by this rule. Many legislators are considering changing the rules that individuals with pre existing conditions to lower their premiums.

The committee that’s in charge of creating the Senate version of the American Health Care Act, popularly known as Trumpcare, is looking to charge those who suffer from pre existing conditions more because they have a higher risk of claims for their health insurance provider.

However, people have taken to social media to try and revoke these new changes because it wouldn’t be fair to individuals who suffer from pre existing conditions under the new plan. Obamacare fans are also worried that soon pregnancy could be considered a pre existing condition and mothers can start getting overcharges because of a pregnancy.

Obtaining Affordable Health Insurance in 2018 with a Pre Existing Condition

At this time, it is unclear whether or not Congress will repeal Obamacare. However, it is in your best interest to prepare for this eventuality. After all, you never know what will happen within the next few months. In order to maintain your monthly budget, you should analyze your health insurance needs moving forward. This will help you find the most affordable health insurance plan possible.

With a pre existing condition, it can be difficult to predict what the future holds for your health. However, when shopping for new insurance, you can begin by comparing quotes from a range of HMO. This way, you can avoid paying more than needed for your health insurance because of your pre existing condition. Additionally, make sure you explore all the options available to you, including government subsidies. By taking these steps, you can locate the most affordable health insurance plan possible.

Whether or not you have a pre existing condition, finding affordable health insurance is important. With all the uncertainty about the future of the ACA or the ACHA, it can be difficult to know how to proceed. You may be worried about increasing premiums or a lack of coverage. However, there are tools like First Quote Health that can help you find the best insurance plan for your needs and your budget.

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