How Choosing Good Health Insurance Plans Can Save You Thousands

Don’t settle for average coverage, make sure you and your loved one’s health and finances are taken care of with a good, quality health insurance plan. Learn what to look for, and where to find one today.
How Choosing Good Health Insurance Plans Can Save You Thousands

In a country where the cost of healthcare is seemingly getting more expensive by the day, many of us are on the hunt for good cheap health insurance. But is cheap always good?

Sometimes the costs outweigh the benefits, but having a good insurance plan could save you money in the long run. From Preferred Provider Organization plans to Gold plans, here is the rundown on how good insurance could save you big.

What Is Considered Good Health Insurance?

A good health insurance plan varies for some, but for the most part, a good health insurance plan not only covers you in for emergencies but contributes to a healthier life. For example, quality coverage options will often provide benefits that include preventive services, like checkups, and access to large provider networks with top notch doctors.

Now, as mentioned, not everyone will have the same basic healthcare needs. Some may be living with pre-existing conditions, while others are young and healthy, so they may not need a plan that offers low copays for weekly prescriptions. It really depends what you’re needs are, but again, good health plans will cover all your medical needs, meaning that cheaper health insurance plans are not always the right choice.

You Pay More Up Front

The moral of the story with health insurance is, you get what you pay for. For good coverage, you will likely be paying more upfront in monthly premiums which will reduce the amount you pay out-of-pocket for costs like deductibles and coinsurance. Some may not see the value in paying more for a service they may not use, but that is the very nature of insurance. You hope you never have to use it, but you want a safety net that will stop you from going broke.

Benefits Of Good Health Plans

The benefits of good health insurance plans are hard to ignore. The following list only gives a glimpse into the pros of enrolling in quality coverage, but it’s a good place to start:

  • Transparent costs
  • Set copays
  • Preventive services
  • Health Savings Account (HSA)
  • Regularly scheduled doctor visits
  • Customized healthcare
  • Large provider network

When you buy a good health plan, you take charge of your body and your health, not just your financial situation. Quality coverage is a necessary expense for any health conscious person and will pay dividends down the road.

Access To Preventive Services

With better health insurance plans, comes better access. With a great health plan, you can reap the rewards of preventative services, a lot of which will cost you little to no money. The average annual physical is well over $1,000 when you add up the examination and any blood work that needs doing. Free healthcare, where you can get it, is a powerful tool and saves insurance companies thousands down the road by catching illness early.

Lower Out-Of-Pocket Costs

Lower out-of-pocket costs are attainable with good health insurance if you are willing to pay more up front. With a low-end plan you would pay about 40% out of your own pocket, but if you can aim a little higher for premiums, there are plans that will place your out-of-pocket costs at around 20-30% depending on what you can afford.

Larger Provider Network

The great thing about big business is their ability to keep the costs of your health insurance down. They can offer you good cheap health insurance and they have several ways to do so. Mostly, they offer group plans with exclusive networks. When you see doctors signed up in the network, it is cheaper and you still get a great standard of care. When these companies bundle, you save!

Find A Good Health Plan With Coverage Guru

If you’re tired of your current healthcare plan or looking for more comprehensive coverage, then what better place to start your search than with Coverage Guru? Coverage Guru is not an insurance company, rather we try to take the hassle out of shopping for coverage.

By entering your zip code, you can find the best health insurance plans in your area within minutes. Explore your options, and compare health quotes with ease. You can even talk to an experienced agent who can help guide you through the process.

The best part? Coverage Guru is completely free to use, and you won’t have any obligation. We’re confident we can find you a great health plan, so go ahead and start your search today.

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